Technicality, creativity, dream, beauty, self-sacrifice and passion are, among others, common points between the practice of the dance and the manufacturing of the ” Dentelle de Calais-Caudry®”. These two excellences brought the French Federation of Laces and Embroideries to choose this meeting place to illustrate the new promotional campaign of its label: Dentelle de Calais-Caudry®.

The dance, an allegory of the lace.
Excellence, lightness, delicacy, precision, seduction, authenticity, poetry…. and control of unequalled techniques in the service of dream ….. These words which characterize the high lace « HAUTE DENTELLE » are represented splendidly by the perfection of the artistic movement of the brilliant dancer Ludmila Pagliero.

Lace and dance, the meeting of two traditions.
Two traditions of exception, symbols of the culture of creation and french know-how. They are mutually glorified directly by emotion where the inspired dancer gives life to the lace and plans it towards the future.


Dentelle de Calais-Caudry®


Source: French Federation of laces and embroideries.

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